Friday, April 15, 2011

The Conventional Chicken

It's a common dilemma plaguing through our country. NON-ORGANIC meat. They're overboard on HORMONES and it's completely INHUMANE how the animals are treated. Legal, yes. Caring, no. The effects of hormones are frequently: immature growth, abnormal aging, etc. Organics may be more costly, but, read this "biography" of a chicken's life.

Your prison is lighted by a single bulb hanging from the ceiling. There's only enough space to poke your head out the bars and feed on the cheap food. Life is basically eating and laying eggs. Eat. Lay eggs. Eat. Lay eggs. Eat. Lay eggs. Never see the sun, grass, or feel natural breeze. You are born in a prison. You die in a prison. After you die, your fatty chicken body is eaten by some family (or YOU).

So buy organics. It's a recession we're in, that dollar matters. Yeah, scientists say it won't hurt you. That's only true at the moment because no one has been introduced to hormones long enough for physical pain. But if that's true, how do you explain the 6-year olds maturing at an unbelievable rate?  Not to mention buying organics supports more humane animal treatment. So, next time you're at Target/Ralphs/Vons/Sprouts/(fill in the blank), choose ORGANIC! -The Organic-Lover Kyung Jin

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